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Practice SCP SC0-471 Exam Questions

    1. Page: 1/27
      Total 133 Questions
    Question No 1
    When using multiple alphabets, what type of cipher is being used?
    Choose the Choices:

    Question No 2
    DES is often defined as no longer "secure enough" to handle high security requirements. Why is this?
    Choose the Choices:

    Question No 3
    Your organization assigns an Annual Loss Expectancy to assets during a risk analysis meeting. You have a server which if down for a day will lose the company $35,000, and has a serious root access attack against it once per month. What is the ALE for this attack against this server?
    Choose the Choices:

    Question No 4
    While configuring TCP Wrappers on your Linux system, you desire to create a line that will effect the single host accessing the telnet service. Which of the following lines will achieve this desired result?
    Choose the Choices:

    Question No 5
    Which three of the following are examples of the reason that Message Authentication is needed?
    Choose the Choices:

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      Total 133 Questions